Students » School Policies

School Policies

Coming soon! 


Consistent attendance is critical to student success. All absences should be followed up with proper documentation.



Car riders are to be dropped off at the back of the building from 8:30-8:45 am via McKean Street. The car line will close promptly at 8:45 am. Students arriving after this time are considered tardy and will need to be signed in by an adult in the main office. Car riders will be picked up in the afternoon at the same car line at the back of the building. Car line dismissal starts at approximately 3:20. Please be considerate of fellow drivers and be patient as we safely match children with vehicles. Please have your student seated on the passenger side of the car for the safety of our students and staff.



Specific school communication will occur via ClassDojo. Please be sure to link to your student’s teacher. We can help you at Back to School Night. Use of this tool is VERY important!

Communication with the general pulbic will occur using Facebook - @westseafordelementary

We will also occasionally use phone calls and mail. Please make sure the office always has up to date contact information.



8:30 Arrival - Students are marked tardy after 8:45 and must be signed in by an adult.

3:30 Dismissal - If for any reason you need to pick your child up from school early, please arrive to sign your child out by 3:00 PM. Student dismissals cannot be changed after 3:00 PM for the safety of our students and sanity of our staff.